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Posts Tagged ‘RPC’

PostHeaderIcon No source code is available for type … ; did you forget to inherit a required module?


In a GWT application, you have to use RPC calls, using entities which are package in external jar archives. With Eclipse, no error appears ; yet when you build the project with Maven2, you get this message:

[INFO] [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/eclipse/workspace/myGwtProject/src/java/com/lalou/jonathan/web/gwt/client/component/'
[INFO]     [ERROR] Line 24: No source code is available for type com.lalou.jonathan.domain.MyEntity; did you forget to inherit a required module?
[INFO] Finding entry point classes


In related jar

In the project to which MyEntity belongs to (here: my/depended/project):

  • create a file com/lalou/jonathan/MyDependedProject.gwt.xml, with as content:
     <source path="">
     <include name="**/"/>
  • In the pom.xml:
    • Add the source in built jar. This way, the Java file itself will be considered as a resource, like an XML or property file. To perform this, the quickest manner is to add the following block in the pom.xml:
    • Add an <include>**/*.gwt.xml</include> so that to have to MyDependedProject.gwt.xml file in the built jar.

    In GWT project

    In your *.gwt.xml file, add the dependency:

    <inherits name='com.lalou.jonathan.MyDependedProject' />


    All these operations need be done on all dependencies -either direct or indirect-. Therefore, possibly you may have a huge amount of code to be got.
    Another issue appears when you use a jar of which you do not have the source code, such as in the case of tiers API for instance.

PostHeaderIcon Basic RPC call with GWT

Let’s assume you have a “Hello World” GWT application. You need emulate a basic RPC call (RMI, EJB, etc.). Here is the program:

Under the *.gwt.client folder:

Create an service interface:

public interface FooService extends RemoteService {
    public String getHelloFoo(String totoName);

Create another interface for asynchronous call. You can notice the method name differs lightly from the one in the other interface:

public interface FooServiceAsync {
  void getHelloFoo(String fooName, AsyncCallback<String> callback);

Under the *.gwt.server folder, create an implementation for service interface:

public class FooServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements FooService {
  public FooServiceImpl() {
   // TODO init

  public String getHelloFoo(String fooName) {
  // TODO call actual service
    return "hello world!";

In the web.xml file, add the following blocks:

	  <!-- Servlets -->


The tags content match the argument given as parameter to RemoteServiceRelativePath annotation above.

From then, in your concrete code, you can instantiate the service and call remote method:

FooServiceAsync fooService = GWT.create(FooService.class);
fooService.getHelloFoo("how are you?", new AsyncCallback<String>() {

				public void onSuccess(String result) {
					MessageBox.alert("OK", result, null);

				public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
					MessageBox.alert("ERROR", "rpc call error-" + caught.getLocalizedMessage(), null);

Now you can compile, package your war and deploy under Tomcat or WebLogic.

NB: special to “black-belt GWT guy” David Chau from SFEIR.